Tag: WordPress

Through our expansive tutorials, we take on the beast known as WordPress! Whether you are a beginner blogger who needs help creating a site or an expert web admin needing to perform a search and replace, there is a tutorial for you here!

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Do you run a web store on Shopify (or BigCommerce) and wish you had more control over things? Maybe you wish you had more Payment options on your shop, more Staff accounts, or a more straight forward shop building experience. No matter what the cause, moving to a WooCommerce based shop can give you more control and flexibility over your store. Migrating your store can be a huge headache though, so how do you get that job done?

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Our Cloud Sites platform is a cut above the rest with its One-Click Installer we take the pain out of creating websites allowing you to focus on building out your website. Whether your CMS of choice is WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla – our Cloud Sites platform has streamlined the process of spinning up a new site. Setting up a new site is complicated – from adding administrators, uploading files and databases. We simplify all that complexity with our smooth-running installer. Our One-Click Installer quickly uploads & configures core files, getting your site up with speed and ease has never been easier.

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Customize the WooCommerce Thank You page

Posted on by Dan Pock | Updated:
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Have you ever wanted to provide product specific information right after a customer checks out? Or, what about customizing the title of the thank you page? Well we’ve thought about that too. So we built a plugin that allows you to set a global and product specific thank you pages.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

It can happen. And it’s embarrassing. A visitor searches your site for a product and whatever their search terms are, no products are found. Instead of a missed opportunity to convert that visitor into a paying customer, consider showing them some products that might be of interest to them.

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Automatically Apply Coupons in Cart on WooCommerce

Posted on by Dan Pock | Updated:
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Providing great deals is a wonderful way to entice first time and returning customers. Imagine if you’ve created a coupon for a product on your store that you want everyone to use. Sure you can add a site banner to inform the customers of the coupon, what if they forget to enter the code, though? There may be another way, what if you can have the coupon automatically apply at Checkout if conditions are met.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Lets say you have an eCommerce business selling customized coffee mugs. Each mug you sell gets a custom message printed on it and you just fill the orders as they come in. You know each mug gets customized before shipping out, so you don't really need to track the inventory.

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Create a direct ‘Add to Cart’ link for Products in WooCommerce

Posted on by Dan Pock | Updated:
Reading Time: < 1 minute

If you run a blog and a store all on the same WordPress instance, chances are you are going to talk about products you sell in your blog posts. So, how can you make it easy for your visitors to add products you blog about directly to their cart? You can create a URL that you can use in your posts.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

Depending on the products you sell, you may want to add a product inquiry tab so that it’s available for your shoppers in the event that they want to contact you about the product. Let’s look at two ways you can do this.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

By default WooCommerce adds in a SKU custom field to products, but that may not cover your needs, depending on the products you offer. If you’re selling books or magazines ISBN numbers are going to be necessary. Various GTIN (Global Trade Identification Number) options are also important, both for selling and for tracking your products.

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Setting Featured Products in WooCommerce

Posted on by Dan Pock | Updated:
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Featuring products on your website is a great way to show your best selling or popular products from your store. And setting products as featured products is super simple. WooCommerce has some built in functionality to making this happen. Let’s take a look below.

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