Tag: Email

Reading Time: 3 minutes
  1. This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel, and are starting on the home screen.image01
  2. Now let’s create a new email account.image02
  3. Click the Email Accounts icon.image03
  4. Enter the email address you want to create, and assign it a password.image04
  5. Set a mailbox quota for the account if you wish.image05
  6. Then click “Create Account”.image06
  7. That’s it! The new email account has been successfully created.image07
  8. From the Email Accounts screen you can access webmail for the account, change its password, change the quota, or even delete the account.image08


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Reading Time: 7 minutes

Pre-Flight Check

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Pre-Flight Check

  • This article is intended specifically for transferring email between two different accounts.
  • The email accounts can be on the same server or on two different servers, and it makes no difference whether either or both of the accounts are hosted on your own server or through a web service such as Gmail, Yahoo, etc.
  • This article refers to a source email account and a destination email account:
    • Source refers to the email account containing the messages you want to sync to another account. In this example, we’re using sample@example.net as the source account.
    • Destination refers to the email account that to which you want to sync emails from the source account. In this example, we’re using sample@example.com as the destination account.
  • This article covers the procedure in the Thunderbird mail client, which is available for computers running Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. For your convenience, we have comprehensive guides to help you set up a new email account in any of the following mail clients: Thunderbird, Apple Mail, and Outlook 2016. To obtain specific connection settings for an email account on a cPanel server, you may refer to How To Set up Any Email Client.

Step #1: Add the Destination IMAP Account in Your Mail Client

If you use only Webmail or a mobile device to access your destination email account, or if you currently use POP3 for the account (learn more about the difference in account types at IMAP vs. POP3 Email), you will need to set it up in a desktop email client using IMAP in order to sync the messages. If you already have your destination email account (to which you’ll be transferring the emails) configured locally using IMAP in Thunderbird, Outlook, or Apple Mail, you can skip this step and proceed to Step #2.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Pre-Flight Check

  • These instructions are intended specifically for setting up an email account in Mozilla Thunderbird 38.3.0 on Mac OS X 10.11.1.
  • While the steps should be similar across platforms and operating systems, they may not necessarily apply to older versions of Thunderbird.
  • For help with general email account settings, see How to Set up Any Email Client.

You can edit an email account that already has been configured in Thunderbird, for example should you decide to switch between non-SSL and SSL settings or change the server’s connection port. You change the connection type between standard (non-SSL) and secure (SSL) by changing the hostname and port for the incoming and outgoing servers.

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