Tag: Comparison

Reading Time: 5 minutes


As firms advance towards a more modern infrastructure, the Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) model is becoming an increasingly popular cloud-based system. Desktop-as-a-Service is a multi-tenant, cloud computing solution in which a service provider furnishes a virtual desktop to an end-user over the internet. A provider typically manages the infrastructure, including the security updates, available desktop applications, data storage, and backups. In specific instances, DaaS users manage these services individually. According to Gartner via Workspot:

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Reading Time: 5 minutes



In this tutorial, we will learn how to install and configure VMware ESXi. The majority of VMware cloud product installations are targeting experienced Linux or Windows administrators. However, we will try to simplify the process as much as possible. If you are new to hypervisors like ESXi or VMware vSphere, this guide might be right for you! Let’s start by reviewing what ESXi is.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes
Multiple Clouds

If you have been in the hosting industry for some time, you most likely had to upgrade your hosting package or resize your server at some point. As your business grows, so do the resources needed to run that business. Over the years, someone has most likely recommended a private cloud solution to you. You probably asked yourself why you would need a more expensive private solution like VMware cloud when you have a powerful VPS server or Dedicated server that is perfectly capable of handling your existing traffic.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes
cloud computing projects

What is a Project?

A project is a group of virtual machines, servers, and online assets such as domain registration that work together to deliver your business online. These cloud computing based servers work in tandem to ensure that your website and applications are always online, regardless of operating your business on a dedicated, VPS, or cloud environment.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes
Cloud Servers


In this article, we will compare the similarities and differences of a cloud server vs a physical server. Every business has similar and different approaches in how they operate. The differences often relate to what is essential for that specific business: the clientele, the need to process information/orders, and how quickly market adaptation changes are needed.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

In this next series of articles, we will be doing a side by side comparison of the main features of both InterWorx/SiteWorx vs. cPanel/WHM. We offer this information to assist our clients in choosing the right product to fit their needs. Let’s dive right in…

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