Tag: Browser

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The Difference Between SSL and TLS

What is the relationship between an SSL vs TLS? Most of us are familiar with SSL (Secure Socket Layer) but not TLS (Transport Layer Security). Both protocols are used to transmit online data securely between two endpoints. SSL is older than TLS, but all SSL certificates can use both SSL and TLS encryption. TLS is the replacement protocol to SSL as TLS is the updated version of the SSL protocol. TLS operates similarly to SSL by using encryption methods to ensure secure communication.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

What is the Browser Cache?

The browser cache is used for storing website data like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images. Caching is a method of storing data that can be used later. Like other programs that you may have installed, browsers use caching to store website data on your computer instead of requesting the data from a web server to make web pages load faster.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

What is PhantomJS?

In this article, we will be discussing PhantomJS. PhantomJS is, in the simplest of terms, is a headless browser (headless, meaning without a GUI) that utilizes a javascript API. This function makes the browser very useful when used for:

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Your browser has a local file store that contains the images, CSS, JavaScript and other files of websites you’ve recently visited. These files are stored and can be served locally, therefore increasing page load performance and reducing access times dramatically.

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