Author: Helpful Humans of Liquid Web

Using SSH Client Natively in Windows 10

Posted on by Helpful Humans of Liquid Web | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Have you ever wanted to use SSH to control your Linux server from Windows? You’ve most likely downloaded and launched third-party applications like PuTTY or KiTTY to get this functionality on your Windows computer. Thankfully, with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, you can now use a built-in SSH client directly within your Windows OS.
Third party applications are not fully managed. However, our support team will do their best to provide help when they can. For further support, we recommend contacting the applications’ developer for extensive issues, since these applications are not supported by Liquid Web.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Our Cloud Sites platform is a cut above the rest with its One-Click Installer we take the pain out of creating websites allowing you to focus on building out your website. Whether your CMS of choice is WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla – our Cloud Sites platform has streamlined the process of spinning up a new site. Setting up a new site is complicated – from adding administrators, uploading files and databases. We simplify all that complexity with our smooth-running installer. Our One-Click Installer quickly uploads & configures core files, getting your site up with speed and ease has never been easier.

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