Author: Jackie Cowan

Jackie Cowan is the Content Marketing Manager for Liquid Web. She received her MS in Communications from the Ithaca College, MLIS in Library and Information Science from the University of Pittsburgh, and BBA in Management Information Systems from the University of Michigan. She has 8 years of experience with technical and billing support, search engine optimization, and spearheading projects to enhance company culture.

Reading Time: 5 minutes


Choosing an appropriate web app development technology is a challenging task nowadays. Currently, we have many programming languages, frameworks, and technologies that make it difficult for entrepreneurs and business owners to select the right development tool.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

A backup is a duplicate record of computer or server information stored locally on either your computer or server or at an off-site location or separate device. Backups are typically used to restore lost or corrupted data from the secondary location back to the primary generally in the event of a security breach, hardware failure, or natural disaster.

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What is Folding at Home?

Posted on by Jackie Cowan | Updated:
Category: Tutorials | Tags: Folding at Home
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Originating at Stanford University in 2000, Folding at Home (also known as Folding@Home, FAH, and F@H) is a distributed computing project created for disease research. Computers on various operating systems are networked together, forming a virtual supercomputer to run protein folding simulation work units. Once a work unit is completed, it is uploaded to the FAH server.

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Premium Business Email Pricing FAQ

Posted on by Jackie Cowan | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why are you increasing mailbox prices? 

As you know, with industry changes comes increasing costs of security software, larger storage capacity, and new product features. At times Liquid Web will absorb some costs, but sometimes they are inevitable. We hope you will see that we have aggressively priced our Premium Business Email to minimize your charges and remain competitive with market prices. 

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Fortran is a general-purpose computer programming language that is especially suited to scientific computing problems.

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