Author: David Richards

David Richards has been an educator, a Technology Director, and now a Windows Administrator for 20+ years. He’s an English major with a love for technology and helping others find ways to use technology more effectively. In his free time, Dave loves to read, play games, and spend time his family.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Python is a popular programming language for developing applications. The Python design philosophy emphasizes code readability and focuses on clear programming for both small and large-scale projects. Python allows you to run modules and full applications from a large library of resources (or even applications you write yourself) on your server. Python works on a number of popular operating systems, including Windows Server OS.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

Remote Desktop Protocol (or RDP) is the most common method of gaining administrative access to a Windows server. RDP is available on all versions of Windows server and a client (called Remote Desktop Connection) is included with all versions of Windows desktop operating systems. Clients are also available for Macintosh operating systems from Microsoft in the iTunes store and for Linux desktops with applications like FreeRDP. Connecting to your server via RDP allows you full control of the server desktop environment, just as if you were sitting in front of the server’s monitor and keyboard. Depending on your permissions and settings, you can copy and delete files, change file permissions or settings, and even print documents from the server.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Basic Firewall Rules

In a firewall rule, the action component decides if it will permit or block traffic. It has an action on match feature. For example, if the traffic matches the components of a rule, then it will be permitted to connect to the network. It is essential to consider the potential security risks when modifying a firewall rule to avoid future issues. Following best practices for configuring firewalls can help you maximize the effectiveness of your solution.

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Installing SQL Express

Posted on by David Richards | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

MSSQL Express 2017 on a Dedicated Server

Microsoft SQL Server is a powerful database that is commonly used with ASP.NET and other website programming languages. However, licensing for MSSQL can be expensive and is sometimes prohibitive for smaller businesses and applications. Fortunately, Microsoft provides a free version of MSSQL server called MSSQL Express. Installing MSSQL Express on your dedicated server is quick and easy, especially with the new features included in MSSQL Express 2017.

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