Author: Dean Conally

I am a Linux enthusiast and console gamer, dog lover, and amateur photographer. I've been working at Liquid Web for a bit less than two years. Always looking for knowledge to expand my expertise, thus tackling new technologies and solutions one day at a time.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Online shopping for customers is vital for any store, even more so when adapting to life in the post-pandemic era. However, finding a proper eCommerce hosting solution for online stores can be challenging for various reasons, like a limited budget or not having a technical background.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

The cloning process in VMware is a process in which you create an exact copy of your original virtual machine (VM). A VMware clone has the same hardware, software, and other configurations as the original VM.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

VMware is one of the most used virtualization tools in the world. Whether you are using it on the private vs public cloud, there is no denying that VMware is an important tool for businesses.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Do you need to deploy new virtual machines (VMs) several times per day? Is the manual creation of each instance becoming tedious? If that is the case, then VMware templates are for you!

A VMware template is a master copy of a virtual machine and includes things like the:

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

osTicket is a free, open-sourced, and web-based customer support platform. In this article, we will show you how to install and configure the support ticket system osTicket on CentOS 7. While this guide will cover installation for unmanaged servers, Liquid Web’s fully managed servers with cPanel, Plesk, or InterWorx control panels allow for a one-click installation of osTicket.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

OpenStack is an open-source platform used primarily for managing the hardware, storage, and network setup of your cloud environments through a web browser dashboard or a command line. In addition to management of your cloud, you can also build and deploy your instances. 

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

While many know daemons from Greek mythology, we will learn what a daemon is in the world of software. If you ever manually installed software or a service on your server, a daemon runs in the background. This article will discuss what daemons are, the difference between a daemon and a process, the most common daemons, and how to use daemons on CentOS 6 and CentOS 7.

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Misjudging incoming traffic can overload your web servers. Load balancers like HAProxy (High Availability Proxy) can help alleviate that issue. The primary job of load balancers is to balance the load on the server by minimizing response times, optimizing the usage of your resources, and improving the performance of your multi-server configuration

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Everyone likes a good control panel to manage their servers. When a control panel is built for maximum security and performance, supports major clouds such as Google Cloud or Azure, and is free, what else can one do but try it. In this tutorial, we will cover the installation and configuration of CloudPanel, which is a free control panel that focuses on PHP applications.

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Reading Time: 6 minutes


Zabbix is an open-sourced tool used to monitor various IT components such as servers and hardware that they are running, cloud services, whole networks, etc. Zabbix can monitor the network health and integrity of your servers. All monitoring can be done through Zabbix’s web-based frontend. This means that you can quickly check the status of your servers from anywhere! This article describes how to install the Zabbix monitoring tool, create a database, and configure the frontend on Ubuntu 20.04.

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