COVID-19 Response

We’re Here to Help.

Our world has changed, and we know that you — like us — are focused on your families, your employees, and your customers.

A message from our CEO, Jim Geiger:These are remarkable times and we’re focused on doing the right thing and doing it as best as we can. We continue to keep our customers and our employees at the forefront of our decision making. And, we continue to work as though your business depends on us.

As we continue to adapt to the evolving crisis, we've seen remote work become the norm, and online channels become increasingly essential to helping us all stay informed, remain connected, and conduct business that might have been done in person not that long ago.

We understand that this environment is causing some businesses to re-evaluate their hosted infrastructures to ensure they can continue operating effectively. As always, our teams are here to help you navigate those changes.

Here are some services that could provide you with valuable support as your business moves online.

Additional VPN Capacity

If your teams connect to your Liquid Web infrastructure, you may need to add or upgrade your VPN package to accommodate a higher number of users.

As your traffic increases, you might consider a CDN to more efficiently distribute your content across the globe.

We offer monthly vulnerability scans of your Liquid Web hosting to prevent compromises from online threats (use code 05MPLBNS to get your first 3 months free).

When the resources of a single server aren’t enough, we can help engineer a load balanced multi-server solution to keep your projects running smoothly.

You may need to upgrade your email to provide anywhere access for your employees.

Content and Commerce

If you need to move content or commerce online, consider Managed WordPress and Managed WooCommerce solutions that include value-added features that help you stand up a store or site (use code ONEWEB to receive a month free on the Spark Managed WordPress and Starter Managed WooCommerce plan).